Who Is WOOD Cares?

About Us

Through hard work and dedication, Dr. Margaret Wood started WOOD Consulting Services, Inc. in 1997, as a systems and software engineering firm that bases its foundation in believing in people. Dr. Wood has always cared for her business, her team, and for the community, a culture consistently demonstrated throughout the company. In the corporate world the focus on caring for your employees and community is pushed to the background of business. Margaret sought to create a positive environment in which our team’s philanthropic passions are just as important as their work.

At WOOD Cares, it is recognized that we all care about something, and we strive to fulfill the philanthropic passions of our employees through contributions to designated causes. Each year we pick 5 employee-nominated causes to support through fundraising, event attendance, and visibility. Through serving our employees and the community, we will bring light to the fact that caring is not in the shadows of business or everyday life. Caring is a part of it all. We care about business. We care about our community. We Care about you. WOOD cares. 

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How We Contribute

Mission Support

WOOD Cares provides mission support by promoting fundraising goals and donations for each designated cause. Donations are used to support missions, fund charitable recipients, or purchase materials to support the community.

Event Attendance

Through invitation, promotion, and organization, WOOD Cares recruits volunteers from inside and outside of WOOD to attend charity events. All who wish to participate and support are welcome.


WOOD Cares provides information and visibility on the causes we support each year. We spread information internally through e-mail blasts and newsletter highlights, and externally though social media posts and community outreach.


8115 Maple Lawn Boulevard

Suite 250

Fulton, MD 20759





